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The Managed Option can be booked by our customers as an option to their Dedicated Server or Virtual Server.
Server management is therefore not offered as a stand-alone managed server.
It can be flexibly applied to any of our server products.
We only offer server management for servers from our company.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer server management for servers from other hosting companies.
The management of our vServer / VPS offers is always a little cheaper. The reason for this is that, for example, no additional backup storage needs to be provided, but the backup functions of our vServer environment can be used to fulfill our managed tasks. It is therefore not necessary to create an individual backup concept.
By distributing the hardware resources across all vServers of a vServer host system, the monitoring and maintenance of the hardware is also eliminated. This reduces the failure frequency and therefore the costs for the managed service.
In addition to monitoring, backups and system updates, the management of our dedicated servers also includes complete monitoring of the server hardware. This also includes checking the SMART values of the installed hard disks / SSDs so that they can be replaced with new hardware in good time if there are any signs of a defect.
Our technical support is available for both our Managed Dedicated Servers and our Managed vServer options. We make no distinction in the quality of our support.
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